#1 #2 #3 #4

무조건 외우기 22일째

A Let's go for a drive after the movie.    

B Sure. What movies are playing now?

A Have you seen Interview by any chance?

B I thought it would be good, but was taken in by the ad.

A You're not allowed to tell me the story.

B Got it. Hurry up, or we'll be late.

A 영화 끝나고 드라이브 하러 가자.

B 좋아. 지금 무슨 영화가 상영 중인데?

A 혹시 (인터뷰)라는 영화 봤어?

B 재미있을 줄 알았는데, 광고에 속았어.

A 영화 줄거리 미리 말하지 마.

B 알았어. 서두르지 않으면 늦겠어.

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