무조건 외우기76일째
A Have you made a profit on your house?
B Just getting by. I just broke even.
A I'm thinking of taking out a loan from the bank.
B Can you recommand a new area to invest in?
A I have my own problems. I'm busy paying off debt.
B We're in the same boat. I'm struggling to raise up.
A 집 매매해서 수익 좀 냈어?
B 그럭저럭. 겨우 본전이야.
A 은행에서 대출을 좀 받으려고 해.
B 새로운 투자처좀 추천해 줄래?
A 내 코가 석자야. 빚 갚느라 정신없어.
B 같은 처지네. 나도 돈 모으려 애쓰고 있어.