#1 #2 #3 #4

무조건 외우기 49일째

A Look at this. I'v got goose bumps all over.

B It's getting pretty chilly in the morning.

A I'm freezing to death. You should bundle up when going out.

B I had an accident dozing off behind the wheel.

A Oh no! Were you hurt?

B Fortunately, it was just a fender-bender.

A 이것 좀 봐. 온 몸에 소름이 돋았어.

B 아침 날씨가 점점 쌀쌀해 지고 있어.

A 추워 죽겠다. 외출 할 때 든든히 입는 게 좋겠어.

B 졸음운전 하다가 교통사고 났어.

A 저런, 다친 데는 없어?

B 다행히 경미한 접촉 사고 였어.

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