무조건 외우기 45일째
A What brings you here?
B I was in the neighborhood and came by.
A Great! I'm so glad you came here.
B I'm starving. Have you had lunch?
A No, let's go grab a bite to eat.
B Do you have a favorite hangout around here?
A 여긴 어쩐 일 이세요?
B 근처에 왔다가 들렸어요.
A 잘했어요. 방문해 줘서 기뻐요.
B 배가 많이 고픈데 점심은 드셨어요?
A 아뇨, 나가서 간단히 뭐 좀 먹죠.
B 근처에 자주 다니시는 데 있나요?